Sunday, August 14, 2011

NAEYC Ideals that I Value

The purpose of this post is to highlight some ideals that have been set forth by NAEYC that have special meaning to me.

I-1.1—To be familiar with the knowledge base of earlychildhood care and education and to stay informed
through continuing education and training.

This is important to me because without knowlege you will not be able to provide th children and famillies serve with quality early childhood experiences.

I-1.3-To recognize and respect the unique qualities,abilities, and potential of each child

This is important because as you work with young children it is vital to know that they do not grow and learn at the same time.

I-2.3 —To welcome all family members and encourage
them to participate in the program.

This statement is important  because children are apart of families and we must be respectful and welcome families into our classroom. Making them feel needed helps them to understand the important role they play in helping their children have successful starts.

About Me

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I am a Preschool Teacher at a private preschool in Tennessee. I have been in the early childhood field for 17 years. I have an A.A.S in Early Childhood Edcuation, a CDA, B.S in Child Development with a specialization in Preschool, and currently I am working on my M.S in Early Childhood Studies at Walden University.