Monday, July 25, 2011

Quotes from this week's learning resources

"We need bold federal leadership focused on the failure of the early care and education delivery system to support the well-being of practitioners with a living wage and critical benefits, and to provide comparability in salaries among members of the birth to five and K-3 workforce with equivalent education. "

 Marcy Whitebook - April 26, 2010

A family's responses to crisis or to a new situation mirror those of a child. That is to say, the way a small child deals with a new challenge (for instance, learning to walk) has certain predictable stages: regression, anxiety, mastery, new energy, growth, and feedback for future achievement. These stages can also be seen in adults coping with new life events, whether positive or negative.

T. Berry Brazelton


  1. I liked the qoute you picked from Marcy Whitebook. So many teacher teach and lead because they are truely passionate about leading the future. I gives me great pleasure to know that I had a hand in preparing children for the lives and the psoitive choices that they make in their life.

    Latina Johnson

  2. Your quote from Brazelton sounds similar to our progression through this Masters program, "regression, anxiety, mastery, new energy, growth, and feedback for future achievement." Things that make you say Hmmmmm.

  3. Hey Julie, I think you are on to something, hmmmmm. I think you have just nailed down my feelings for the past couple of weeks. Now if I can only master the APA.

    Priscilla Herron

  4. I love the resources. I was able to print some to give to my parents at the beginging of the school year.

    Latina Johnson


About Me

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I am a Preschool Teacher at a private preschool in Tennessee. I have been in the early childhood field for 17 years. I have an A.A.S in Early Childhood Edcuation, a CDA, B.S in Child Development with a specialization in Preschool, and currently I am working on my M.S in Early Childhood Studies at Walden University.