Saturday, August 24, 2013

When I Reflect About My Collegial, Professional Learning Community

For the first part of this blog I will share about three consequences that are related to me being a part of a caring collaborative learning community for my professional growth and development. 

  • The first consequence is that as I continue to further my knowledge and understanding about the field, I am held to a higher standard, due to the respect, ethics, and care that I have for myself, the children and families, and the field. So this means that I cannot be a participant of any harmful practices that violates the ethics and standards that are embodied by the early childhood education profession or myself. 
  • The second is that because I am a part of such a caring collaborative learning community I will find myself constantly thirsting and striving for excellence in this my professional, personal, and educational career. 
  • The third consequence is that because I am a part of a caring collaborative learning community I will be even more  eager to share my learning and skills those individuals who are new and just learning about the field as well as those who have been in the field for a while, but are having trouble implementing and upholding the standards, best practices, ethics, and commitment of the field. 
  • One goal that I have as a result of this class is to connect with a local advocacy group here in my state and to become more actively involved with that group/organization. However, before that is even done I will do more to  correct the wrongs that I see occurring on a daily basis. I will do this by remembering that although I maybe one person, I still can make a difference, one child/family at a time. 

To each of my colleagues, although this is the end of the class I would like to wish each and everyone of you much success on your personal, professional, and education goals. May each of you continue to work to make a positive lasting impression on the children, families, and communities that you work, live, and serve in. 


  1. Priscilla,

    You have listed great consequences to being a part of a collaborative learning community. I am excited to share what I have learned from all of my classmates. It has been a pleasure learning and growing with you. Thank you for sharing your insights and experiences with me.

  2. Priscilla,

    You have written some great consequences to being a part of collaborative learning community. I have learned from and look forward to learning more from you as we complete our specialization courses. I also sounds like you have grown as a professional throughout this course and this process.

    I was surprised how close and collaborative the learning could be in an online format. That has been very interesting for throughout this process.


  3. Priscilla,

    We have had quite a few of the last several courses together. I have enjoyed taking part in blogs and discussions with you as I have learned from you. I love the conclusion in your blog of the one at a time. I think we must remember one at a time in order to be successful; looking at the big scheme will be discouraging.

  4. Priscilla,
    Its sounds as if you have acquired all of the tools and skills that you need to be an effective advocate for the children and families that you serve. I like the statement that you made about correcting the small daily wrongs that you witness on a daily basis. I think that is a great starting place. I have enjoyed having you as a colleague in this course. Best wishes in the future.


About Me

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I am a Preschool Teacher at a private preschool in Tennessee. I have been in the early childhood field for 17 years. I have an A.A.S in Early Childhood Edcuation, a CDA, B.S in Child Development with a specialization in Preschool, and currently I am working on my M.S in Early Childhood Studies at Walden University.