Saturday, July 30, 2011

Early Childhood Resources

Hello All,

As an early childhood professional, I have put together a list of resources that I have found to be very helpful to me through out my early childhood career. The resources listed were apart of our learning resources for week 5. I have found helpful information from these resources and I hope that people read my blog, these resources will be of help to them as well. Enjoy and have a great week!

Early Childhood Resources:

  • National Association for the Education of Young Children

  • The Division for Early Childhood

  • Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families

  • NAEYC. (2009). Where we stand on school readiness. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from

    Early Childhood Journals:

  • YC Young Children

  • Childhood

  • Journal of Child & Family Studies

  • Additional Resources: : The preschool I work at uses the High Scope Curriculum and this website gives tons of information about young children and the best practices to use to help them be successful.

    If you live in the Tennessee area here are some helpful resources and organizations that support the young child, families, and early childhood professionals.

    Tennessee Association for the Education of Young Children-

    Southern Early Childhood Association-


    1. I like that you included resources in your local area. It is good for us to know what is available to us in our area so that we may utilize it and pass it along to parents and families. I will have to go back to my resource list now and add some from my local area. Thanks for the inspiration!

    2. Hi Mary,

      Yes, these organizations are great starting points for individuals living in the Tennessee area. I am also a member of all three of these organizations. They have great conferences.

      Priscilla Herron

    3. Its essential to use these resources as early childhood professionals you did a great job listing several sites.

    4. This has been a great class. I learned a lot and gained some great contacts. I look forward to working with you in the future.

      Latina Johnson


    About Me

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    I am a Preschool Teacher at a private preschool in Tennessee. I have been in the early childhood field for 17 years. I have an A.A.S in Early Childhood Edcuation, a CDA, B.S in Child Development with a specialization in Preschool, and currently I am working on my M.S in Early Childhood Studies at Walden University.