Sunday, July 17, 2011

My Personal Childhood Web

Hello everyone, this is week 3 of my master's program and so far so good. This week we were dealing with family systems theories, Brofenbrenner's theory, and Mahaley an eight year old girl who is supported by caring individual from different levels in her environment. With that being said, my blog for this week will focus on the people in my life that supported me and helped me.

Rosie: A warm and caring person that is so encouraging and supportive. She is my mother. She passed away when I was 22 years old, but she always encouraged us to follow are dreams and work hard.

Lena: Another warm and caring person who told me to dream big and that I can do anything if I stayed focus. She is my grandmother.

Latasha H: She a determined and resilient person who motivates me to challenge myself to work hard. She is my childhood friend.

L. Katherine: helped me to stay motivated and focus through her comments on how proud of me she was as I juggled taking care of children and home, work, and school. She is my children's aunt and my friend.

With supportive people like these in my life, success is bound to come.


  1. This has been an interesting course, so far so good you say. I have been doing great just having trouble with writing in the apa style other than that i been off to a great start.

  2. Priscilla you have a very nice childhood web. I see that you lost your mother when you were 22. I know that must have been hard for you. I am 24 and I lost my dad 3 months ago. But he is my motivation and I know he is smiling down on me right along with your mother because we are furthering our knowledge in the education field.

  3. I love you layout and your Childhood wed. What a wonderful tribute to you father. I was very close to my dad as well. Hang in there, you are awesome.


About Me

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I am a Preschool Teacher at a private preschool in Tennessee. I have been in the early childhood field for 17 years. I have an A.A.S in Early Childhood Edcuation, a CDA, B.S in Child Development with a specialization in Preschool, and currently I am working on my M.S in Early Childhood Studies at Walden University.